


Ionad Eachtraíochta Chairlinn

Satharn 13ú Samhain

Am -10r.n – 5i.n

Eagraithe le hÓgrás, craobh óige Conradh na Gaeilge, mar shampla, bádóireacht, dreapadóireacht, cluichí dúshlánaca do fhoirne measctha.

Bhunaigh Conradh na Gaeilge Ógras i 1969 le deis a thabhairt do dhaoine óga idir 13 – 19 mbliana d’aois teacht le chéile mar óg-chlubanna a bheadh ag feidhmiú trí mheán na Gaeilge.

Eagraíonn Ógras réimse leathan d’imeachtaí spraoiúil, oideachasúla ar fud na tíre do dhaoine óga a bhfuil spéis acu bheith páirteach in óg-ghluaiseacht Ghaeilge, fhuinniúil, bhríomhar.

Tá an imeacht seo SAOR IN AISCE ach tá na huimhreacha teoranta don imeachta seo, dean teagmháil le chomh luath ‘s feidir!


Trip to Carlingford Adventure Centre

Saturday 13 November

Time – 10am-5pm

Organised by Ógrás, the youth branch of Conradh na Gaeilge, there will be a mix of challenging activities on the day both on land and on water including canoeing, climbing and team sports.

Ógras was established by Conradh na Gaeilge (The Gaelic League) in 1969 to afford the opportunity to young people between 13 and 19 years of age to come together in youth clubs operating through the medium of Irish.

Ógras organises a wide range of fun and educational events throughout the country for young people who wish to participate in a fresh and energetic Irish language youth movement.

This activity day is FREE OF CHARGE but spaces are limited. Please contact to book your place!


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